We are in the center of the Year of Mercy proclaimed by the Catholic Church. What a mementous occasion to celebrate the journal of Saint Faustina and the revelations of Jesus as Divine Mercy! Our community prays the Chaplet of Divine Mercy with our paragraph introduction in the Chapel of Divine Mercy. We encourage praying the chaplet at the moment of death for souls, and plead for repair, healing, and the steps of reconcialiation to God in a good confession.
Divine Mercy properly understood, however, is not a license to sin! Like everything from God, it is a gift. Everything is a gift with the exception of sin. The full measure of life, human invention, and nature are all granted by God and are intended to be used for a good purpose, to bring souls to heaven.
No matter how hard it is to change our lives to conform to the truth of the Gospel, the Ten Commandments, the authentic teachings of the Catholic Church, and our own personal promises, it is what we do to get right with God. Sin is sin. Every soul has to be accountable to the Truth. Somebody has to pay for the error and it’s consequences and correct it to the truth. This is the reason Jesus came solely to die, so that we could be redeemed, if we believe in Him.
While we need Divine Mercy, we want to strive to not offend God, but cause Him joy. We want to live a respectable life that is worthy of following, a life of a saint. We want to create a wealth of goodness, unity, and stability in truth. We want to give people hope that even in the worst times, honest character is still around.