Please take this time at home, for those that are home, and make your homes a vigil of prayer. This…
It is important that Crucified Martyrs have a unique calling specific to our mission. It is important that those called…
In all circumstances, no matter what crisis, we continue to practice the solution: prayer. Let’s break down how God resolves…
I want to emphasize in the midst of a Church crisis that we rally our hearts to save the Church…
Our beloved grandma Anna at 98 years of age has died and left us with a sweet and lovely model…
The idea behind all that we do is centered on the focus of our lives, the Heart of God. As…
The challenge we face in the colored egg business is demand. Unfortunately, the majority of people think that all eggs are…
In our Love Crucified Community, Jesus tells us, “Suffer all with Me, no longer two, but one, in My sacrifice…
The simple life removes distractions that prevent us from being in touch with God. Building and working on the farm…
Now that the first step of the house is done, designs are being made for the walls and roof. The…
As you’d expect, an egg laying chicken farm prizes the egg! Every egg is more than simply the 33 pennies…
The pullets have their own house outside which is an 8ft x 12 ft barn style wood house, basically an…
The feeder was completed for the most part. I’m waiting for some testing of the gravity feeding to add a…
We are in need of 3 automatic doors, which run $200 each. 500 Egg carton labels with our farm design…
In an effort to save time and improve our chicken feeders, I’ve started construction on a larger gravity fed feeder…
The tragic tale of humanity is hearing the gospel, the truly Good News of our salvation, and not living it!…
It can be a struggle for Catholics to live their faith nowadays. This morning before Mass, I was happy to see more than seven…
We are in the center of the Year of Mercy proclaimed by the Catholic Church. What a mementous occasion to…
Have you ever done something wrong and hoped you’d have an opportunity to do it again…the right way? Saint Peter…
The sum of all the moral decay of this century and the last is painful to God’s Heart. God desires…
God desires to return us from our earthly life to our heavenly life through a high love, that is, gospel-living…
Remember, we have heavenly angels – some guardians, others for other purposes – but always, they are here to serve humanity for…
What matters in our founding of this Society is the salvation of souls. It is not, nor should it ever…
We pray hard with the understanding of thoroughness and faithfulness in prayer makes a good petition. The reason we do…